Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Rallying for print

Now I understand that its been rather a while since my last post, but nether less I'm going to pursue the same thought.

Now a few people mentioned various points in the last blog, alas nobody mentioned the delicious irony of me condemning the Internet via the Internet but what can you do. One of the points that stuck out was a discussion of credibility.

Now sure there probably somewhere professional writers on the Internet but I stick to my guns on the decision that most of them don't have a clue, now my delightful associate Mr. Heid pointed out that, yeah sure you can't believe everything you read in on the Internet but then you can't trust everything you read in the newspapers either. Fair point, a lot of stuff you find in the papers these days is miserable, boring, insipid junk.

There is a reason for this, and again it's the big scary wold wide webs fault. The Internet is instant, I click publish post and poof! you all get to read what I think, lucky you.
Papers can't deal with this immediacy, there limited to two maybe three editions a day.
Because (blah blah blah, bad grammar don't start a sentence...) of this the old titans of news are having too move away from news. Its imposable for them to keep up, so there we get the rise of celebrity journalism, which shamefully has become big business.

Think about that, we have made these feckless scum buckets into big news. Bad general public go and sit in the corner.

And this is why print suffers, because its last resort is this nonsense and by retreating to this it has lost all creditably. Goodbye old friend I won't forget you.

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