Monday 12 October 2009

Green Fingers.

(aha get it? My names Green and I'm gardening right? OK, ok sorry.)

As some of you may know this blog has been lacking in direction and regular updates, but that ends now. Now there's my vaguely menacing start and onto the meat of this.

Recently I have started to get into gardening, now settle down, whilst I'm the first to admit I'm old before my age I'm not quite entering the twilight of my lifetime. More sort of the tea time, especially when you consider food weighs heavily in the matter.

Yes my interest in gardening is solely geared towards the growing of food, now pretty flowers may occur but rest assured these are side effects what I want is usually down at the root end.

Now this blog has two aims one is to follow the events of my soon to be garden, in doing so spilling out my hopes and joys of what may come and the second being that I'm terrified of becoming rusty (writing occurs little here I'm disgraced to admit). So recently I have started to take an interest in growing my own food, now despite over the last year or so becoming a bit of a foodie I have always been a brutal carnivore, I mean I believe that a meals not complete without something dying for it.

Now meat is fantastic and anybody who abhors it is a fool in my book, but meat can't be everything it needs something to party with. This is where the problems begin, and my problem is with fruit and veg.

From what I've read food from your own garden is unbeatable. If there is a real difference between shop bought and home grown food then maybe I can get myself to eat for both culinary and nutritional benefits, so with that in mind I've decided to plant what I can and see what happens, I mean how hard can it be? Seeds want to grow, its what they do all I will be doing is playing the role of chaperone.

So maybe this time of year isn't the best to be growing in but hey, I'm not the kind of person to wait around when I've got a idea in my head. Here I go then, I begin on my green fingered quest and hopefully come spring time I'll be quite literary reaping the benefits. I do promise to regularly update those who care about how it all doing, I mean if I'm going to commit to watering and nurturing plants everyday the very least I could do is type in a few extra words here and there.

Now its not every vegetable that I dislike, I wouldn't be British if I said I hated potatoes now would I and I absolutely adore onions and all of its family including reds, garlic, leeks etc... but I feel that I need to widen this range considerably as its woefully under-represented the brassica and legume groups (that's leafs and beans to laymen, get me and reading up on what I'm doing, we call that shit research). So that's veg, I do eat it but definably not enough of it. Fruit is a different matter entirely, I eat no fresh fruit whatsoever if its been cooked with or dried then I'm fine, its the raw state that troubles me. It's the texture and the unbelievable sweetness. The sweetness really gets me, to me every fruit just seems so amazingly tart, I can't explain it other than perhaps its a child hood of E numbers thing.

The ultimate aim I have is too own my own smallholding, where I can reign I a largely self sufficient manner growing what I can and raising goats, cows and chickens for milk, cheese and eggs. But until then I have to make do with a few pots and crates until soon I will have a garden of my very own then the fun can really start. There will be fun and hijinks and all sort of nice stuff including lots of pictures and recipes and all that ilk.

Catch you later, yeah? x